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Trophy Mount Restoration

If Your trophy mount Needs Some Attention Call Today

239 - 994 - 7818

Below is a Sailfish restored for my buddy David Nagel

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Here is a Blue Marlin I did for my Friend John Anderson,
See it at Anderson Tackle, McGregor Ave., Ft Myers, Fl.

         < -From this to this ->

Barracuda Needs some TLC

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          I Never saw a black Barracuda

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Where's da Fins?

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Fixed rotten Jaw, tongue and nose

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Replaced some teeth

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Painted in plenty of scales

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Previously the mount was hung on a wire, the body was old and thin so I beefed it up, put a plastic square back on it and mounted it on a plaque so it would have a chance at lasting.

New Fins and ready to fight...almost

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Ok, Now she's Ready

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Call Captain Russ Today for a Restoration Quote
                              239 994 7818

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